Max turned 4 months old on Monday! He had his 4 month check up on Tuesday... he's huge! 17.5 lbs... 28 inches. That's in the 90% for weight, and off the charts in length. She had to measure him twice cause she didn't believe that it was right. How did we get such a tall baby??? Well, my grandpa Brooks was very tall, and apparently so are several of Rons uncles... so Max may be towering over us all before we know it. Or not, his growth could slow. But it's pretty funny that we have such a long baby since Ron andI are both under 5'8"
We have had to retire all our 3-6 month clothes, he's now in 9 month stuff. We had been waiting for him to fit into his
Ramonster coveralls only to find that they are already too small. It's been so hot that he wasn't able to wear them much, but we did get a really cute picture in them. Ramonster is a line of clothes that Max's Auntie Kathie makes. The cute Bug Hat and Sun Hat that he often wears are old Ramonster stuff, we get compliments about them whenever he wears them. He sure has a talented Auntie!

Lately Max hasn't wanted to nurse on his side (in the usual cradle hold) unless he's really sleepy. We think it's because he's swallowing air and is pretty gassy, so it hurts his stomach to lay down. We are working on that, but in the meantime, the
Ergo Baby Carrier has saved us. Its better for baby and mama than the Baby Bjorn, we knew that, but we discovered last week that if we loosen the straps he can nurse in it- upright! So the last few days I've been nursing him and getting him to sleep in the Ergo, while standing up. Last night was a spectacle at 11:30 at night when he was suddenly wide awake and wanted to eat, but not on his side. There I was in just my underwear and the Ergo and Max bopping around nursing! Things we do for love...and sleep!
We are hoping to head to the coast this weekend to go camping- another adventure! I'll post pictures when we get back.